Practical, medical infromation from a Biblical standpoint. Topics like toxic chemicals, metal poisoning, yeast infection, parasites, diet, allergies, pH, healthy living, and cancer.
(c) Copyright 2003
    Health Start
21 Days to Health and Beyond is a free downloadable detoxification program. Be sure to read the section that tells what symptoms to expect during the first part of your detoxification. I don't necessarily agree with everything he suggests but over all it's a good program. I would suggest that you start out the program with a 3 day fast. Also, try to go the first five days after the fast without fruit or honey to correct any yeast problems you might have.

After the 21 days you can slowly introduce other foods. I highly recommend getting the book, What the Bible Says about Healthy Living by Rex Russell M.D. It will help you make wise decisions about what you eat.

Why should I include Magnesium in my diet?
Magnesium has come up over and over in the articles I have been reading. Several articles say that people with CFS or Fibromyalgia feel much better when they increase their Magnesium. About 98% of the Magnesium in your body is in your cells, not your blood stream, that makes the value of blood tests for Magnesium levels of questionable value. There is one important thing I disagree with in this article. It says to take twice as much Calcium as Magnesium. In most fruits and vegetables the concentration of Magnesium is about twice that of Calcium. Sante Search Form This site tells you the nutrient content of just about any food you can imagine. Bear in mind that they probably did not use organically grown food. Nutrient values vary depending on how the food was grown.

What are some good sources of Magnesium?
Brown rice, avocados, spinach, haddock, oatmeal, potatoes, navy beans, lima beans, broccoli, yogurt, bananas, soybeans, bran, and nuts.
Beans are very important because they contain Molybdenum which helps your body absorb the Magnesium.

I don't like the idea of taking vitamins in pill form. This article explains why. It's a bit long but after a few paragraphs you should understand my thinking. In a nut shell: God planned the perfect vitamin and mineral combinations in the foods He made for us. Why are natural food complex nutrients better than isolated USP nutrients?

I believe that allergies are, for the most part, a symptom of leaky gut, chemical overload, or fear. See the leaky gut section for an explanation of how some allergies develop. I think that once you clear up other parts of your total load, especially any yeast or parasitic problems, many allergies will eventually clear up on their own.

What are the most common allergens?
Inhalants: pollens, mold spores, animal products (dander, saliva, urine), house dust, dust mites.
Foods: cow's milk, eggs, chicken, shellfish, peanuts, soybeans, wheat products, chocolate, celery.
Food additives: sulfites (preservative), nitrates/nitrites, parabens, BHA/BHT, Aspartame (Nutrasweet), MSG (monosodium glutamate)
Other: penicillin, nickel in jewelry

How can I find out if I am allergic to a substance?
An easy way to test for sensitivity to things like mold or dust mites is to:
1. Get a little bit of the suspected substance on the tip of a tooth pick. Hold it up to your nose and gently inhale a few times. (If you inhale to hard some of the particles will go up your nose and make you sneeze regardless of whether or not you are allergic to it.) Notice any symptoms that develop like sneezing, runny nose, congestion, cough, or headache.
2. Try a patch test. Place a small amount of the substance, about the circumference of a pencil on the sensitive skin on the underside of your wrist. Cover it with a Band-Aid. Check it every 15 minutes for one hour. Watch for any swelling, itching, burning, rash, or irritation. Wash the substance off after you are done with the test.

Allergy Packet

pH balance
Your body functions better when your blood pH is slightly basic. Some people say you can tell if someone is sick or getting sick if their blood is acidic instead of being basic. There are a vast number of ailments that seem to be helped when your pH is adjusted.

What are some illnesses that are affected by pH?
arthritis, heart disease, chronic fatigue, poor immune system, back problems

How can I test my pH?
I have read that you can use ordinary litmus paper used for chemistry projects. Just put a drop of saliva on the strip.

How can I improve my pH?
There are some commercial products available like Jog in a Jug and Coral Calcium but it is just as easy to drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar each morning. If you put it in some apple juice you probably won't even notice it. Lemons and limes also help to balance your pH. Sugar and meat make your blood more acidic.

Hormone Heresy - a 2 part article about hormone replacement therapy.

These foods burn more calories during digestion than they supply your bodies which helps you lose weight.

Roughly how many calories per day will maintain your curent weight?
If you are sedentary, multiply your present weight by 14,
Somewhat active, multiply by 15, moderately active, by 16, and quite active by 17.

It reqires 3,500 calories to make a pound.

Food, Fasting, and Faith
A short, free, e-book by Lester Roloff. It is good practical advice.

Biblical Nutrition:
The Bible Supports Foods from Both Plant & Animal Kingdoms

Eat Right, Live Longer ~ by Paul Harvey

Early Death Comes From Drinking Distilled Water

Why I Say No
to Distilled Water

Don't Drink Your Milk!

Worrying About Milk

Gall Stone Cleanse
Instructions on how to get rid of gall stones by using just olive oil and lemon juice.

Cancer and Diet

Food cravings

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