Practical, medical infromation from a Biblical standpoint. Topics like toxic chemicals, metal poisoning, yeast infection, parasites, diet, allergies, pH, healthy living, and cancer.
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Spiritual Issues
In one of my Premed forums in college the speaker said that 75% of the medical problems she treats are related to spiritual problems. I read a book a few months ago called A More Excellent Way by Henry Wright. The book tells about the spiritual problems that cause specific physical problems. I was skeptical at first but the Lord confirmed to me what Mr. Wright was saying. Here's how:

A Testimony
Whenever I go home to NY I am faced with almost unbearable allergies. I dreaded the prospect of taking allergy medication for the whole year that I would be home on my sabbatical. A few days after I arrived home I was trying to get to sleep but hives inside my mouth had kept me awake for hours. Finally I asked God if there was any truth to the book, was it fear that was giving me allergies? Immediately God showed me an area where I was not trusting Him. I confessed that fear to Him and asked Him to give me victory over it. As soon as I finished praying my hives left along with all my other allergy symptoms. I have not had trouble since except for a few times when I have taken my cares back into my own hands again.

Mr. Wright seems to feel that all sickness is the result of spiritual problems. We know this is not always true. When Jesus healed the man born blind He said that his blindness was not because of his sin or his parents sin but for the glory of God. I have found a web site containing some of Mr. Wright's teaching. Healing in Body, Soul and Spirit

If you find that your heart is not at peace you might try taking advantage of some of these resources:

Resources to Encourage
Sick and Suffering People
God's Purposes for Suffering
Scriptures for Meditation
The Pineapple Story A short and entertaining book that teaches you about yielding your rights to God. It can be ordered through IBLP.
More Seeds a collection of encouraging poetry, quotes, and short stories on another of my web sites.

The Basic Seminar It addresses key areas in a Christian's life
Tracing problems to root causes
Overcoming feelings of inferiority
Learning how to resolve guilt
Conquering anger and bitterness
Overcoming damaging habits
Experiencing true success
Discovering purpose in life
Building genuine friendships
Establishing harmony in marriage

Pain the Gift Nobody Wants a book that helps you to see God's good in the pain that other's cause you.

Rekindling Marital Intimacy A 12 audiocassette series by John Regier of the International Center for Biblical Counseling. These tapes really don't address marriage so much as resolving spiritual problems that damage marriage. The tapes cover rebellion, temporal values, abuse, moral failure, negative thought patterns, ground given to the enemy, resolving evil for evil relationships, and hypocrisy.
The tapes can be ordered from The International Center for Biblical Counseling